Thursday, 17 September 2015

michel gondry iconic director study.

Kanye West - Heard 'Em say.

Foo Fighters - Everlong

Gary Jules - Mad World

characteristics frequently used in michel gondrys videos include male dominated scenes. this means that the the director decided that in these videos that the male artists will need to dominate the scenes in order to put across the perception that the video is about them, but to also show the relevance of the artists gender and how gender stereotypes can influence music videos.

Another characteristic of his videos are black and white sequences in the videos. this means that the directors like to change the colour concept of the video, this therefore could give the video a different meaning but it also can emphasise certain scenes. by making parts black and white, it can draw your attention to certain topics of issues that the director wants to raise in the video or it could simply be relating to the lyrics used.

Finally he tends to always include establishing shots of his locations in his videos, this therefore allows the audience to establish the settings of each video, but it helps add a different perspective. this means that the director wishes to emphasise his use of location in the video and doesn't alway see the need to emphasise the artist in certain scenes. this could relate the the concept of the video or it could be relating to the lyrics.

overall, michel gondrys style is very abstract, with connotations towards the content of the music video rather than the act itself, this is effective because he manages to give every music video its own purpose and more importantly its own story.

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