Saturday, 26 September 2015

What is drum and bass?

Drum and bass emerged in england in the early 1990's and is characterised by fast break beats, such as between 150 - 180 bpm. it also includes heavy base and sub base lines. however the bass line is usually created by synthesisers. synthesisers are: 'an electronic musical instrument, typically operated by a keyboard, producing a wide variety of sounds by generating and combining signals of different frequencies.' This therefore means that the music is created via technology such as mixing desks and of course synthesisers. this therefore helps make drum and bass music stand out from other genres, as the only musical instrument you usually hear in the music is a drum beat. a piano can also sometimes be heard, but it is also used to create the different sounds that you can hear in the tracks. to create drum and bass music, producers tend to need software in order to edit is, these softwares range from garage band to doctor drum; in this video it shows the software used to create the drum and bass sound, but it also shows the amount of work and effort it takes to create a drum and bass track. here is an example of a liquid drum and bass track made on garage band, drum and bass have a number of sub genres such as; dark core, drum step, liquid, ragga jungle and sambass

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