Friday, 2 October 2015

Distorting Images

We got given a piece of paper with images on it, which we then had to recreate to the best of our abilities. We then had to practice editing them creatively on Final Cut Express, using inspiration from previous A Level Student's work and this is what we created.

I found this very useful as it allowed me to develop my editing skills and enhanced my capabilities of being able to use Final Cut. Hopefully we'll be able to use some of these techniques when it comes to the editing stage of our video. I particularly liked being able to flip the images, as well as learning how to enhance and alter the colours, which again is hopefully something we'll be able to use in the video we create. - Cat

This was effective because, during the capturing of the different shots this enabled us to be able to see different perspectives but to also engage us in different shot types and ideas we could use in the music video. by distorting the images we learned skills which will help us later on when creating the music video, this will help us by allowing to manipulate images if we wish to do so. - Martha

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