Friday, 2 October 2015

Analysing Music Videos- Catriona Morgan

I find this music video very effective as it begins with a simple black background, focusing on the artist and gradually zooming into him while the first chorus plays and the pace of the music is slow. Then, as the beat drops, the pace of the video picks up with the music as there is a time lapse of people drawing on the screens, which are then projected onto the artist, adding to the creativity of the video. Additionally, his dancing is edited to be slow motion, however still matches the beat of the music, which is similar to Beyonce's 7/11 (analysed below.) As the second chorus plays, the pace of the music slows again, as well as having a black background, so again, the focus is on the artist. I feel we could potentially create something similar with our music video as the song begins slow, so we could have a simple location, long duration of shots and  minimalist mis-en-scene, and then as the chorus begins, the pace of our video could pick up, with shorter duration of shots and 'busier' mis-en-scene.
I like the simplicity of this music video, as it is filmed in one location (being the hotel room), the mise-en-scene hasn't been thought about as much as Justin Bieber's 'Where are U Now', however is still a very effective music video due to the incredible editing. Some clips have been sped up to match the pace of the music, while others have been put into reverse to make it more interesting for the audience. The choreography also worked well as it meant the video had some structure throughout. There was also a link between lyrics and visuals as when 'don't you drop that alcohol' played, the artist and dancers were shown with alcohol. (Following Goodwin's rules.) I have found this beneficial as it shows that you take something simple and make it very effective through the interesting use of editing. 

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