Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Digipack inspiration - Anna Hester, Izzy Kelly

 We chose these 3 album covers for their simplicity and originality. These album covers follow David Borwell's theory that the audience defines the genre. The covers don't reflect the genre or artists style, also following Mark Reid's theory that the genre changes based on what the audience are told. These album covers don't represent a particular genre, however when the audience know the artist or hear the music, the will apply a specific genre.

The colours in this album cover contrast well with the red standing out among the sepia. This binary opposite draws the audiences attention to the writing, which states the artist and its album name.
The uniformity does not represent the artists usual style, with the symmetrical buildings not reflecting the rock genre and style Led Zeplin is.

I think this style would be effective for our video as although the style doesn't relate to our genre, it reflects the style of our music video, and the uniform placement that is featured throughout the video .

The colours in this album cover perfectly represnts their genre of electronic music. The bright colours are reminisent of childrens toys and reflect the bands fast pace music style.

The artists electronic style is seen through their electronically created album cover. The graphics support the bands upbeat music

I think this style would be effective for our video because we could put little buildings in place of the shapes, to reflect souvenirs, which is the title of our song.

The bright colours on this album are reminiscent of the artists 'rock, house and disco' genre. The image could relate to sound waves, and the colours could reflect the atmosphere of lights in a disco or party, where the bands music is most popular.

I think this album cover would be effective with our video, as we used coloured projections on our artist, which we could manipulate to look like sound waves.

Here are our own interpretations of our inspiration of a music album cover. We realised that the buildings with yellow writing on worked well and reflected our music videos style well. However, the coloured Eiffel Towers, didn't work as well as at times in the video the location of Paris is not fully apparent. The warped colour image didn't work as well as expected, so we decided against that style

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